This calories burned calculator estimates the number of calories you burn from over 800 physical activities.

This includes bicycling, walking, running, swimming, dancing, all kinds of sports, work- and home activities.

How is calories burned calculated?

The number of calories a person burns doing a specific activity depends on multiple factors. Our calculator takes into account the following: your weight (body mass), the duration of the activity, and the metabolic equivalent of a task (MET).

There exists a scientific database of physical activities, arranged by intensity, and the correspondig MET value. The higher the MET value, the more energy is burned.

Thus the formula to calculate your calories burned is the following:

Calories burned per minute = (MET value * body weight (kg) * duration (hours)) / 200

Some examples of MET values are shown below: (as soon as you fill out our calculator, you will get a list of more than 100 activities.

ActivityMet Value
Resting (sitting quietly)1
Cycling (moderate)6.0
Swimming (moderate)7.0
Jump rope (vigorous)12.0
Weightlifting (light)3.0
Dancing (moderate)4.0
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